What is Freight Invoice Auditing and Why does it Matter?


When shippers pay freight bills on time, they become the shippers of choice. Shipping charges are believed to take up almost 10 percent of a company's total expenses. It is not surprising that companies spend millions or tens of millions of dollars to get their products shipped to different parts of the world. They usually ship the products with several trucking companies like FedEx and UPS. 

What is a Freight Invoice Auditing? 

The concept of freight invoice auditing is very easy to understand. The whole idea behind it is thatthe company pays shipping charges what they are obliged to, and nothing more. Betachon Freight Auditing offers such services to shippers. Most of the companies have software that does the hard work. It is done after an invoice is received by the company. The amount is paid to the carrier after it is determined that the amount on invoices are correct. 

What Checks are done during Freight Invoice Auditing? 

Shippers may end up paying more to the carriers because of several reasons. A few are detected easily, whereas some are harder to. Let us know what checks are done during fedex audit. 

        Is there a math error from the carrier's side? 

        Verification of Discounts: Do the discounts mentioned on the invoice agree with the price that was fixed with the carrier? 

        Duplicate invoices are one of the most common errors in the freight industry. 

        If the shipment was delivered late, you are not required to pay shipping charges. Hence, it checks the delivery date. 

        Are all taxes billed correctly? 

        Is the right class of product billed? 

        Did the carrier make a mistake in applying ZIP codes or mileage? Are such details correct? 

        Checking for Improper accessorial charges listed since shippers should not pay any accessorial charges that were waived in the agreement. 


Besides, saving a considerable amount on shipping costs, freight invoice audit furnishes several other benefits. Betachon Freight Auditing​ offers invoice auditing services that will help you save shipping costs considerably. 


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